The powerfulCI/CD pipeline

Ano-nonsenseCI/CD platform that gives youfull controlover your build. Harness thepower and flexibilityof code to deploy applications.

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(ns build-script
(:require [ :as bc]))

(def unit-test
{:image ""
:script ["mvn verify"]

;; The jobs to execute
Supports the Major Repository Providers and Platforms



Builds as Code

Treat builds as small apps in their own right, with all features that code brings.

Reduce Debugging Time

Write unit-tests for your build scripts to avoid production issues.

Easy Extensibility

Include open-source libraries in your builds to expand functionality.

Deploy Without Danger

Simulate builds locally or in unit tests and avoid problems when deploying your app.

Built by Developers for Developers

We useClojureto enable you to generate build scripts super-fast.
Check out ourdocsto see how we're approaching this.

Compact build scripts

Get rid of huge unmaintainable build scripts by using common libraries to make your scripts more compact. MonkeyCI provides the means to easily achieve this using existing and battle-tested systems.

Use libraries from any Maven repository

Publish your own libraries and use them in your scripts, or use already existing libs to kick-start your builds.

Zero Impact

By only provisioning infrastructure as needed and using low-emission datacenters, we aim for a zero-impact experience. Any impact we do make is offset by donating to carbon-compensating organizations.

(require '[ :as clj]))

;; Contains both test and publish jobs

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